We understand that there is a large degree of trust in any transaction that takes place on the internet for both the buyer and the seller, and that privacy can be a major concern for some guests.
We commit to you therefore that any personal information that you provide to Secluded Bali Villas in the course of a booking, such as your name, contact details or any other personal information, shall remain completely private and confidential, and in no way shall we share any such information with any third parties.
Very occasionally, we may contact you to make you aware of upcoming special deals. However, we do respect your right to privacy and will not send you any notices if you contact Secluded Bali Villas and ask Secluded Bali Villas not to.
Hours: Every Day 9am to 9pm (GMT + 8)
Email: villamatahariterbit@secluded-villas.com
Enquiries / WhatsApp : +62 813 37 323232
Local Office: +62 361 473 2206 (Mon to Fri only)
Marketed Secluded-Villas and Managed by Secluded Bali Villas
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